Kamis, 26 Mei 2011


A. Background
In the face of all reality in his life, people always amazed at what he saw. Man in doubt whether he was not deceived by the five-senses, and began to realize its limitations. In that situation many are turning to religion or belief in the Divine.
But already since the beginning of history, full of faith was the attitude of taqwa is not holding people to use reason and thoughts to find out what exactly is behind all reality (reality) that. The process is finding out that generate consciousness, which is called enlightenment. If the process has the characteristics of methodical, systematic and coherent, and how to get it accountable, it gives birth to science.
Science is knowledge;
(1) prepared methodical, systematic and coherent ("concerned") about a certain field of reality (reality).
(2) can be used to explain certain phenomena in the field (knowledge) is.
further explore science and pursue specific matters of fact (reality), the more obvious demands to find out about all the reality (reality).
Long before humans discover and define what we now call something as a scientific discipline as we know the science of medicine, physics, mathematics, and so forth, mankind first thought to ask about the different nature of what they see. And their answer was that we shall refer to as a philosophical answer.

Human activities that have the highest level is the philosophy which is the true knowledge about the nature of everything that exists as far as possible to humans. The most precious part of philosophy is first philosophy, the knowledge of truth which is the first cause of all truth (Al-Kindi, 801-873 AD).
The method of philosophy is a method of asking. Formal object of philosophy is the ratio of asking. Object material is all that exists. So the task of philosophy to question everything until finally finding a universal wisdom.
Sonny Keraf and Michael Two defines philosophy as a science tentag ask or think about anything (anything and even of thought itself) from all points of view. Thinking about thinking.
Despite however many images that we get about philosophy, is still difficult to define in concrete terms what is philosophy and what criteria a thought until we could sentence him, because philosophy is not a discipline. As the definition, history and development of philosophy was never shelled out for. But precisely because that is why philosophy is so worthy to be studied in order to find and interpret all the essence of life.
B. Classification Philosophy
In establishing the tradition of philosophy many people ask the same question, responded, and continue his predecessor's works in accordance with cultural background, language, religion and even the philosophical tradition it was built. Therefore, the usual philosophy is classified according to geographical regions and cultural backgrounds. Today the common philosophy is divided into two major categories according to region and according to religious background. According to the region can be divided into: "Western Philosophy", "Eastern Philosophy", and "Philosophy of the Middle East." While religious backgrounds are divided into: "Islamic Philosophy", "Buddhist Philosophy", "Hindu philosophy", and "Christian Philosophy".

1.) Classification of Philosophy by Region
Western Philosophy
'''Western Philosophy''' is a commonly studied science academic at universities in Europe and the areas they colonized. This philosophy evolved from the ancient Greek philosophical tradition. But in essence, the Greek philosophical tradition actually had undergone termination of the chain when a copy of a book like Isagoge Aristotle, Categories and Porphyry has been destroyed by the Romans along with the execution of Boethius, which is considered to have spread the teachings of which are prohibited by the state. Furthermore, it is said that if the books of translations of Boethius into the source of the development of philosophy and science in Europe, then John Salisbury, a professor of philosophy at the University of Paris, will not copy back to the book written by Aristotle's Organon of Arabic translations, which have been done by Islamic philosophers on Abbasyah dynasty.
The main character of Western philosophy, among others, Plato, Thomas Aquinas, Rene Descartes, Immanuel Kant, George Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Jean-Paul Sartre.
In the tradition of Western philosophy in Indonesia itself that in fact it is the colonies of European nations-the Netherlands, known as the descriptions of the philosophy concerning specific themes. These themes are: ontology, epistemology, and axiology.
The first theme is the ontology. Ontology discusses the problem of "existence" something that can be seen and distinguished empirically (visible), for example about the existence of the universe, living things, or the solar system.
The second theme is epistemology. Epistemology is the theme of the review of knowledge (episteme which literally means "knowledge"). Epistemology discuss various things about the knowledge of such limits, the source, and a knowledge of truth.
The third theme is aksiolgi. Axiology is the theme that discusses the problem of values or social norms that apply to human life. Social value.
Eastern Philosophy
'''Eastern Philosophy''' is a philosophical tradition which is mainly grown in Asia, particularly in India, China and other areas that have influenced its culture. A hallmark of Eastern philosophy is the close relationship of philosophy to religion. While this is more or less could be said for Western philosophy, especially in the Middle Ages, but in the Western World philosophy 'an sich' is still more prevalent than religion. The names of some Eastern philosophers, among others, Siddharta Gautama / Buddha, Bodhidharma, Lao Tse, Confucius, Zhuang Zi and also Mao Zedong.
'''Philosophy of the Middle East''' is actually taking place privileged views of history, the philosopher of this tradition could be said also the heir to the tradition of Greek philosophy. because the philosophers of the first Middle East are Arabs or Muslims and also some Jews, who conquered the areas around the Mediterranean and Greek culture met with their philosophical tradition. Then they translate and comment on the works of Greek.
Even when Europe after the collapse of the Roman Empire into the Middle Ages and forget the classic works of Greek, Middle Eastern philosophers studied the works of the same and even their translations studied again by the Europeans. As for the names of some philosophers of the Middle East including: Avicenna (Ibn Sina), Ibn Tufail, Kahlil Gibran and Averroes.
2.) Classification According to the Philosophy of Religion Background
a. Islamic Philosophy
'''Islamic Philosophy''' is not the philosophy of the Middle East. If indeed there are some names called Jews and Christians in the Middle Eastern philosophy, the philosophy of Islam is of course entirely Muslim. There are some big differences between Islamic philosophy with other philosophies, including: First, although initially the classical Muslim philosophers explore the works of Greek philosophy, especially Aristotle and Plotinus, but then customize it with Islamic teachings. Second, Islam is a monotheistic religion.
 So, if the other philosophy is still 'seeking God', in Islamic philosophy instead of God 'has been found. "
In the beginning of philosophy developed in the eastern Mediterranean coastal ocean in the 6th century AD marked with the questions to answer the question about the nature, people, and God. From this was born the great sciences, like physics, ethics, mathematics, and metaphysics that became coal world culture.
From Asia Minor (Mediterranean) moves toward the homeland Athens philosophy. When Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great in 332 BC, began reaching the eastern philosophy, and culminating in 529 AD
b. Christian Philosophy
'''''Christian philosophy' was originally composed by the fathers of the church to face the challenges of the times in the Middle Ages. At that time the western world which is in the midst of Christian dark ages (dark age). People are starting to question the beliefs of his religion. Not surprisingly, many Christian philosophy to dwell on the problem of ontological and philosophical divinity. Almost all Christian philosophers are teologian or expert in religion. For example: St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Bonaventure, and others.
In addition to the above two largest religions, there are still some other religion that gave birth to philosophical understanding that still exist. For example, Buddhism, Taoism, and so forth.
Buddha in Sanskrit means they are conscious, or who achieve true enlightenment (From the Sanskrit words: to know). Buddhism is the degree to individuals who realize their full potential to promote themselves and a growing consciousness. In contemporary usage, it is often used to refer to Siddhartha Gautama who was born in 623 BC in Lumbini.

Sidhartha is a religion teacher and founder of Buddhism (considered "Buddha for this time"). In other views, he is the attraction and an example for people who have been conscious.
Buddhists do not consider Siddhartha Gautama Buddha as the first or last hyang. Technically, Buddha, one who finds the Dharma or Dhamma (the mean: The Truth, the truth case, reason, the difficulty the human condition, and the true path to freedom through awareness, comes after a good karma (destination) dikekalkan balanced and all bad actions adept not abandoned. Achieving nirvana (nibbana) among the three types of Buddha is similar, but Samma-Sambuddha expresses more qualities and capacities than the other two.
Taoism is a philosophy of Laozi and Zhuangzi (570 BC ~ 470 BC) but not a religion. Taoism berasalkan of the word "Dao" which means out of shape, not visible but it is a principle or a road or way events all living things and objects of the universe the world. Dao which exist in all living things and the material is "De". Combined with De Dao Daoism is introduced as natural rights. Taoism is calm, gentle as water, danabadi. Human immortality is when a person reaches the "Dao Consciousness." Taoist adherents practice the Dao to achieve "Consciousness Dao" and also extol.
Taoism also introduced the theory of Yinyang. Yin and Yang with saintifiknya interpreted as negative and positive. Each object is a duality, there must be a negative positive, and not berpositif bernegatif not become empty, no nothing. Even the magnet, magnets have positive and negative poles, the two properties could not be separated without a positive, not going negative form, the magnet will not occur.

Review Philosophy
The definition of the word philosophy can be regarded as a philosophical problem as well. But, at least can be said that the "philosophy" is a study to learn the whole phenomenon of life and human thought in a critical and fundamental (radical).
Philosophy of science is often viewed as an abstract science, philosophy of science but it's close and be in our daily lives. True, philosophy is not concrete because it uses methods of thinking as a way of solving problems in the reality of our lives.
This was not done with the experiments, but by expressing the problem in detail, then look for a solution by giving the argument and reason to solve problems, and the end of these processes were incorporated into a dialectical process. This dialectic can briefly be said is a form of dialogue. For philosophical study, absolutely necessary logical thinking and logic languages.
Many notions or definitions of philosophy which have been raised by philosophers. According to the Merriam-Webster (in Soeparmo, 1984), philosophy is knowledge of the realities of the most common and the rules of reality and human nature in all aspects of behavior such as: logic, ethics, aesthetics and theory of knowledge.
Some philosophers have proposed several basic philosophy as definitive: speculative effort to present a systematic and comprehensive view of all reality. Efforts to portray the essence of reality end and the basic and obvious, attempt to determine the limits of the reach of knowledge: the source, nature, validity, and value. Investigation of critical and radical assumptions and statements filed by the various fields of knowledge. Something that seeks to help us see what we say and to say what we see.
If according to the philosophical tradition that derived from Ancient Greece, people who first used the term philosophia and philosophos is Pytagoras (592-497 BC), after he read Herakleides Pontikos (adherents of the teachings of Aristotle) that uses the word sophia. Pytagoras considers himself "philosophos" (lover of wisdom). For him the real wisdom is owned solely by God.
The word philosophy or philosophy in the Indonesian language is the word from Arabic فلسة absorption, which is also derived from the Greek, philosophia (Φιλοσοφία) In this language, the word is a compound word and comes from the words (philia = friendship, love etc..) and (sophia = "wisdom"). So that literally means a "lover of wisdom" or "science". The word philosophy is levied from the Dutch language is also known in Indonesia. This last form is more similar to the original. In the Indonesian language someone who explore the field of philosophy called the "philosopher".
In terms of English, philosophy, meaning of philosophy, also derived from the Greek word "philosophia" is commonly translated into the language as a love of wisdom. According to the original understanding of Ancient Greece, the philosophy means love of wisdom. However, the scope of the original understanding of sophia it was broad. Formerly sophia means wisdom not only just, but including also the first truth, broad knowledge, intellectual virtue, considering fine craftsmen and even kecerdikkan intelligence in deciding matters of practical (The Liang Gie, 1999).
Philosophy is the attempt to comprehend or understand the universe in terms of meaning (essence) and values (essence) that is not enough to be reached only by the human senses sekalipun.Bidang philosophy is vast and covers a whole as far as can be reached by the mind. Philosophy tries to answer questions about the origin and nature of the universe in which humans live and what is the purpose of his life. Philosophy of using materials that are presented basic descriptive fields of specialized study and go beyond description to investigate or inquire its nature, tilapia and kemungkinannya.Tujuannya-value is the understanding and wisdom, because that philosophy is a holistic approach to the aspects of life in the world closely related to key areas of human experience.
The emergence of Philosophy
As a result of the development of Greek literature and the inclusion of science as well as the loss of belief in the truth given by religious thought, the role of mythology that were previously binding on all aspects of thought and then gradually replaced by the logos (ratio / science).
At this moment, the philosophers then tried to view the world in other ways that have never practiced before, namely to think scientifically. In searching for information about the universe, they get away from things mystical hereditary inherited by tradition. And then they began to think for themselves. Beneath the various events that were observed in general, they begin to seek an explanation that allows them to understand the events. In this sense, there is awareness began to approach the problem and the incidence of the universe as a logical and rational.
Because the only way this kind, it opened the possibility for other questions and assessment as well as criticism in understanding the universe. This spirit that led philosophers in the Greek era. Thus, philosophy and science into one unit.
Philosophy, especially Western Philosophy, appeared in Greece since about the 7th century BC. Philosophy arise when people started thinking and discussions will be a state of nature, the world, and the environment around them, and do not cleave to the religion at that time regarded as the "iron curtain of science" to find the answers to these questions.
Many wondered why philosophy emerged in Greece and not in other civilized areas at that time such as Babylon, Judea (Israel) or Egypt. The answer is simple: in Greece, unlike others in the area there are no priests, so the intellectual caste of people more free.

Early History of World Philosophy
Although the term philosophia was first raised by Pythagoras, but the first Greek to be granted the title of philosopher is Thales (640-546 BC) of Mileta (now on the west coast of Turkey). He is a philosopher who founded the philosophical school of the universe or cosmos in Greek words. According to the flow of cosmic philosophy, philosophy is a review of the universe to know the origins, elements and its maxims (The Liang Gie, 1999).
In the book of History and Philosophy of Science essay LWH Hull (1950), writing, at least the history of philosophy and science can be divided into several periods, including well-known figures in that period.
The first period, 6th century BC Greek philosophy
At this time experts philosophy is Thales, Anaximandros, and Anaximenes regarded as the fathers of philosophy from Mileta. Thales believes that the source of life is water. The first living creature is a fish and the man who first born from the belly of the fish. Thales also believes that the earth is located on the water. On earth, Anaximandros say that the earth exactly at the center of the universe with the same distance to all other agencies. While Anaximenes arguably the first thinker who argued the similarities between the human body and the universe. The air in the universe is like the spirit that is fostered by breathing in the human body.
After the three, Greece and then have a well-known thinkers who have more influence anymore on the development of philosophy, such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Phythagoras, Hypocrates, and so forth.
Second Period, The period after the birth of Christ (Ages 0-6 M)
At this time of conflict between the church represented by the priest and the king of the pros to the church, with the scholars of philosophy. So during this philosophy into decline. The king of restricting freedom of thought that philosophy seems to have been suspended animation. Science becomes frozen, the truth only to the authority of the church, the church and the king who has the right to say and be a source of truth.
Third Period, the triumph of the Islamic Period (Ages 6-13 M)
At this time the Christian world of Europe experienced the dark ages, there are also stating this as a period of mid-period. Golden age or Islamic revival marked by numerous Islamic scientists who are experts in their respective, various books published and written here. Among these figures are the Hanafi, Maliki, Syafii, and Hanbali an expert in Islamic law, Al-Farabi astronomer and mathematician, Ibn Sina's medical experts with his famous book, The Canon of Medicine. Philosopher Al-Kindi, Al-Ghazali intellect which gathers a variety of science so that it becomes sustainable and synthesizes the unity and inter-religion, philosophy, mysticism and Sufism. Ibn Khaldun ahali sociology, philosophy, history, politics, economics, social and state affairs. Anzahel expert and discoverer of the circulation of the planet. But after a Muslim crusade suffered a setback, Muslims in a state ravaged by war.
There are 2 opinions about the contributions of Islamic civilization to philosophy and science, which continues to grow today. The first opinion says that the Europeans learned the philosophy of the Greek philosophers like Aristotle, through the books that are copied by the St. Agustine (354-430 AD), which is then forwarded by Anicius Manlius Boethius (480-524 AD) and John Scotus. The second opinion declared that the people of Europe to study philosophy Greeks from Greek philosophy books have been translated into Arabic by Islamic philosophers like al-Kindi and Al-Farabi. Against the first opinion Hoesin (1961) emphatically reject it, because according to him copies of books like Isagoge Aristotle, Categories and Porphyry has been destroyed by the Romans along with the execution of Boethius, which is considered to have spread the teachings of which are prohibited by the state. Furthermore, it is said that if the books of translations of Boethius into the source of the development of philosophy and science in Europe, then John Salisbury, a professor of philosophy at the University of Paris, will not copy back to the book written by Aristotle's Organon of Arabic translations, which have been done by Islamic philosophers.
As is well known, the person who first studied and taught philosophy of the people sophia or sophists (500-400 BC) was Socrates (469-399 BC), followed by Plato (427-457 BC). After it passed by a student named Aristotle (384-322 BC). After the time of Aristotle, the history did not record again until the emergence of the next generation of Al-Kindi in the year 801 AD Al-Kindi much to learn from the books of philosophy written by Plato and Aristotle. By King Al-Ma'mun and Raja Harun al-Rashid in the Age of the Abbasid, Al-Kindi was ordered to copy the works of Plato and Aristotle into Arabic.
After the death of Al-Kindi, appear famous Islamic philosophers who continue to develop a philosophy. That philosophers are: Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Jamaluddin Al-Afghani, Muhammad Abduh, Muhammad Iqbal, and
Ibn Rushd.
Unlike its predecessors the Islamic philosophers who were born and raised in the East, Ibn Rushd was born in the West (Spain). Other Islamic philosopher who was born in the west are Ibn Baja (Avempace) and Ibn Tufail (Abubacer).
Ibn Tufail Ibn steel and a supporter of Aris-toteles rationalism. Eventually the two men could become friends.
While Ibn Rushd who was born and raised in Cordova, Spain, although a doctor and has authored book titled Colliget of Medical Sciences, which is considered equivalent to Canon's book written by Ibn Sina, better known as a philosopher.
Ibn Rushd's view that states that the path of philosophy is the best way to reach the real truth than the path taken by religious scholars, has provoked the anger of religious leaders, so they asked the caliph who ruled in Spain to declare Ibn Rushd as an atheist. Actually what is stated by Ibn Rushd is also noted by Al-Kindi in his philosophy of El-Ula (First Philosophy). Al-Kindi Fakih stated that the truth can not explain it perfectly, because their knowledge is thin and less valuable.
Conflicts between philosophers, represented by Ibn Rushd and the clergy, represented by Al-Ghazali's increasingly heated with the publication of Al-Ghazali's essay entitled Tahafut-El-Falasifah, which was later used also by the church to inhibit the growth of free thought in Europe in the Age of Renaissance . Al-Ghazali argued that studying philosophy can cause a person to become an atheist. To reach the real truth according to Al-Ghazali's only one way is through Sufism (mysticism). Al-Ghazali's book is then taken by Ibn Rushd in his work Tahafut-et-Tahafut (The Incohenrence of the Incoherence).
The victory of Al-Ghazali's views on the views of Ibn Rushd has resulted in banning the teaching of philosophy in various Islamic universities. Hoesin (1961) states that the prohibition of the spread of the philosophy of Ibn Rushd is the starting point of the collapse of Islamic civilization that is supported by the rampant development of science and technology. This is in line with the opinion Suriasumantri (2002) which states that the development of science in Islamic civilization began with the development of philosophy and suffered a setback with the death of philosophy.
In the mid-12th century the church censorship of Ibn Rushd essay, so that when it developed two defenders understand that understands Ibn Rushd (Averroisme) and understand the resistance. Those opposed to the teachings of Ibn Rushd philosophy include Thomas Aquinas pastor, Ernest Renan and Roger Bacon. Those who oppose Averroisme generally use a lot of arguments put forward by Al-Ghazali in his book Tahafut-el-Falasifah. From this it can be said that what is being debated by the philosophers in Western Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries, none other than the issue being debated by the philosophers of Islam.
Fourth Period, The period of revival in Europe (Ages 12-17)
Bersamaannya with the decline of Islamic culture, Europe had an awakening. At this time, books of philosophy and science essays and translations of Islamic philosophers like al-Kindi, Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd was translated into Latin. In those days the Latin language became the language of European culture of the Gentiles. Translating the works of the Muslims, among others, made in Toledo, when Raymund became bishop of Christians in Toledo in the Year 1130 - 1150 AD The translation of Toledo have spread to Italy. Dante's Divina Comedia after writing inspired by the saga of Isra and Mi'raj Prophet Muhammad. University of Paris using a text book Organon of Aristotle's work that is copied from Arabic into Latin by John of Salisbury in 1182.

Just as that conducted by Islamic religious leaders, the development philosophy of Ibn Rushd teachings are considered to harm the Christian faith by Christian religious leaders, so the church synod issued a decree on the Year 1209, then followed with the decision of the Papal Legate in 1215 which prohibits the dissemination of teaching and teaching philosophy Ibn Rushd.
In the Year 1215 when Emperor Frederick II into Sicily, the teaching of Islamic philosophy began to flourish again. In the Year 1214, Frederick founded the University of Naples, who then have the academy in charge of translating Arabic books into Latin. In 1217 Frederick II sent Michael Scot to Toledo to collect translations of the Latin-speaking philosophy written by the Muslims. The development of philosophical teachings of Ibn Rushd in Western Europe can not be separated from the translation of Michael Scot. Many Orientalists claim that Michael Scott has managed to translate the comments of Ibn Rushd with the title de coelo et de mundo and the first part of the Book of Anima.
Work performed by the Emperor Frederick II to menterje-mahkan Islamic philosophy works into Latin, in order to encourage the development of science in Western Europe, similar to the work ever undertaken by King Al-Ma'mun and Harun al-Rashid of the Abbasid dynasty, to encourage the development of science in the Arabian Peninsula.
After the Emperor Frederick II died, his efforts to develop the knowledge passed on by his son. For this purpose sent his son named Hermann the German people to return to Toledo in 1256. Hermann then translate Ichtisar Manthiq essay al-Farabi and Ibn Rushd Ichtisar lyric essay. In the mid-13th century almost all the works of Ibn Rushd were translated into Latin, including the book-et-Tahafut Tahafut, translated by Colonymus the Year 1328.

Philosophy Modern Period (17-20 century AD)
Also known as Aufklarung century. At this time of the ruling Christian and be a source of authority of truth had been swept away, and also the beginning of the century setback for Muslims. Various Greek thought appears, lines of thought which they profess is rationality, empirisrme, and criticism. European civilization rose beyond the Islamic world. This period also raises intellectual Gerard Van Cromona a copy of Ibn Sina's book, "The Canon of medicine", Franciscan Roger Bacon, that embraces empiricism and realism school of thought tried to oppose the policies of the church and the rulers at that time. In this case, Galileo and Copernicus also experienced oppression from the ruling. This period also cause divisions in Christianity, namely Catholicism and Protestant Christianity. Resistance to the church and the king who oppresses ongoing scientific revolution intensified and increased. At this time many scientists like Newton emerged with the theory of gravity, John Locke who has breathed the resistance to the church by arguing that humans are free to speak, freedom to express opinion, the right to life, the right to independence, and the right thinking. The same ole dilakuklan JJ. Rousseau condemned the ruling in his book Social Contak.
Different things happening in the world of Islam, Muslims in this period staggered in the wake of the spiritual. Islamic intellectuals who persistently called on Muslims to return to the teachings of the Koran and Hadith. At the time of moral crisis and other scientists that civilization emerged Muhammad Abduh. Muhammad Abduh tried to awaken the Muslims to use their minds. He tried to scrape out imitation. This is done by Muhammad Abduh that Muslims find the knowledge that comes from al-Quran and Hadith.
The modern philosophers assert that knowledge is not derived from Scripture or religious doctrine, nor of the rulers, but of his own human self. But the aspect which plays no difference of opinion. The flow of rationalism assumes that the source of knowledge is the ratio: the truth must come from the ratio (reason). The flow of empiricism, by contrast, believes pengalamanlah source of knowledge, both the inner, as well as the senses. Then came the stream of criticism, which tries to combine two different opinions of it.
Rationalism flow was pioneered by Rene Descartes (1596-1650 AD). In the book Discourse de la Methode in 1637 he stressed the need to have an accurate method as a solid foundation for all knowledge, that is to doubt everything, methodically. If a truth stand the test of this radical skepticism, the truth is 100% certainty and a foundation for all knowledge.
But within the framework of methodical doubt that this was only one thing that can not be doubted, namely "I hesitated." This is not fantasy, but reality, that "I hesitated." If I doubted something, I realized that I doubt it is. In other words that imply doubt of me. That is "cogito ergo sum", I think (realize) then I'm there. That is the truth that can not be denied. - Why is the truth for sure? Because I understand it with "clear, and-separated" - "clearly and distinctly", "clara et distincta". That is, a clear and-separated ones that must be accepted as true. And that became the norm Descartes in determining the truth.
Descartes was the pioneer of the rationalist, to those who believe that the basis of all the knowledge you have in mind.
Empririsme flow of thought is evident in David Hume (1711-1776), who choose to experience as the main source of knowledge. That experience can that be lahirilah (relating to the world), and the mental (which concerns the human person). Therefore the introduction of a form of sensory recognition of the most clear and perfect.
Hume was a pioneer of the empiricists, who believe that all knowledge about the world comes from the senses. According to Hume there are strict limitations on how the conclusions can be drawn through the perception of our senses.
As for criticism by Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) tried to develop a synthesis of these two conflicting approaches. Kant argues that each approach right half, and one half. It is true that our knowledge about the world comes from our senses, but in our minds there are factors that determine how we view the world around us. There are certain conditions in humans that also determines the human conception of the world. Kant agreed with Hume that we do not know exactly what kind of world "itself" ("das Ding an sich"), but only the world was like looking "for me", or "for everyone". However, according to Kant, there are two elements that contribute to human knowledge about the world. The first is lahirilah conditions of space and time that we can not know before we caught him with our senses. Space and time are perspective and not the attributes of the physical world. That matter knowledge. The second is an inner conditions in humans on the processes which are subject to the law of causality is unbreakable. This form of knowledge. Thus making criticism of Kant's entire philosophical thinking, making a synthesis, and laid the foundation for various schools of philosophy during the struggle between the flow kini.Begitulah Modern philosophy. Rasionalist represented by Descartes, Empirist represented by Hume, and Kant's criticism by mutual menkritik each other.

Long before humans discover and define what we now call something as a scientific discipline as we know the science of medicine, physics, mathematics, and so forth, mankind first thought to ask about the different nature of what they see. And their answer was that we shall refer to as a philosophical answer. If science diibiratkan as a tree that has different branches of thought, understanding twigs, and fruit of the solution, then the philosophy is the basis of land where trees are planted and grown.
The method of philosophy is a method of asking. Formal object of philosophy is the ratio of asking. Being the object of the material is all there is to humans is questionable nature. So the task of philosophy to question everything until finally finding a universal wisdom.
Many wondered why philosophy emerged in Greece and not in other civilized areas at that time such as Babylon, Judea (Israel) or Egypt. The answer is simple: in Greece, unlike others in the area that is not no preacher so intellectually caste people more free.
In perkembanganya, Greek philosophy had experienced the ups and downs. When the civilization of Europe have to deal with the authority of the Church and the Roman empire which act decisively against the existence of philosophy in which is considered threatened his position as ruler at the time.
Greek philosophy re-emerged in the heyday of Islamic Abbasid dynasty in the early 9th century AD But at the peak of glory, the world of Islamic philosophy began to decline when among the people as represented by the philosopher Ibn Rusd with the clergy by Al-Ghazali who think philosophy can plunge people into Atheism turbulent. This was after Ibn Rusd himself stated that the way philosophy is the best way to reach the real truth than the road taken by the expert or the religious mystics.
After the 13th century, Islamic civilization, philosophy is really making progress after the clergy has won a long debate with the philosophers. The study of philosophy banned from the educational curriculum. Government entrust all thinking concepts to their clergy and religious commentators. Along with that, in Europe, fever philosophy is mushrooming. Many of the books of the Muslim philosopher who translated into Latin. It also shows that after a church party in power in his time and before the Islamic civilization began to translate the texts of Aristotle and others by Al Kindhi, in Europe is really not find more books philosophy result of Greek civilization.
Whether coincidence or not, when philosophy in the Islamic world can be said to have finished and moved into Europe, Islamic civilization had deteriorated while in Europe itself experienced a period known as the Renaissance or the Enlightenment century, at about the 15th century AD
But is not the case in the church community. This period also delivers the Christian world to be divided. The doctrine of the Catholic priests continued to receive protests from the Protestants.
As for the philosophers of modern times after the Aufklarung, the 17th century AD, emphasized that knowledge is not derived from Scripture or religious doctrine, nor of the rulers, but of his own human self. The modern philosophers are recorded in the history of Descartes, Karl Marx, Nietsche, JJ Rousseau, and so forth.

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The study of philosophy is the part that provides direction and insight into how people run their lives with the values based on truth. Etymologically derived from the Arabic Philosophy "Philosophy". In the Greek language is called philosophia, in English Philosopy.
Means that mean love, and sophia meaning of truth, wisdom, happiness. However, in general translation philosophy is often interpreted to be "loved to wisdom, truth or happiness." In a broad sense philosophize means to think in depth, extensive, thorough, so find the root problem was revealed when the curtain opened, the real life that can make people live to be happy.
From the definition, history and development of philosophy who has previously described at the beginning of this paper, the author can take a stance and concluded that as a philosophy of science can be learned and developed, because philosophy can affect the development in various aspects, such as the number of Islamic philosopher who developed the philosophy, so at that time experienced the glory of Islam. But from the theory outlined at the beginning, or explore the philosophy that learning will be more inclined towards the "atheist" or tend not to believe in religion, because most of the philosophy in solving a problem more use of reason and logic. While we as a people who have a particular religion writer that in the religion of Islam according to the authors profess, there is a problem / an event in a religion that can not be accepted as reason and logic in Islam one example is the event Isro Ascension.
Therefore, we as Muslims should remain in the study of philosophy with religion cling to the Al-Qura'an and hadith. Because in fact the source of ultimate truth that will bring people to the happiness of the world and the hereafter is the Quran and Hadith. Be a philosopher of the Qur'an.
Thus the conclusion that the authors conclude, may be of benefit to us all, more a lack of authors apologize, wassalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh.

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